The altar server role is an integral part of the liturgical celebrations, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The altar server’s mission is to assist ordained clergy in carrying out liturgical functions, including preparing the altar, assisting deacons and priests in their preparations, and participating in solemn processions. The altar server also sets an example to the congregation by joining in singing, praying, and maintaining silence during the Mass.
What must an Altar Server learn in order to serve at Mass?
Structure of the Mass and the meaning of Catholic prayer and ritual.
Identification and purpose of religious items used at Mass: Liturgical Books, Altar Furniture, Vessels, Vestments, and Articles.
Procedures and responsibilities for serving at Mass.
Roles and Responsibilities
Informative Links Relating to the Altar Server Ministry A Tour of a Catholic Church
Video: Draw Near - A Video Guide to the Catholic Mass (23:23) This video explores the structure of the Mass overall, its particular parts, and their meaning. It depicts the Archdiocese of Chicago and the many communities of faith where the Eucharist is celebrated.
We invite you to contact the Parish office at 475-7489 or [email protected] if you would like to join our ministry. Training is provided!
Team Leader: Vanessa
Youth Altar Servers
St. Agnes has a wonderful community of youth altar servers, and we look forward to seeing you on our team! Follow the links below for more information, including a brief overview of what is involved and a photo of how to set up the altar. Youth Altar Server Duties Set Up of the Altar
We invite you to contact the Parish office if you would like to join our ministry. Training is provided!
By prayerfully meditating on the six seasons of our liturgical calendar, this ministry plans, prepares, and creates symbols intended to remind us of major events in our salvation history. As a gathered community of believers or alone in prayer, the environment draws us to experience an encounter with Jesus. The colours in our church change according to the sacred seasons in the Life of Christ.
We hope that you visually connect throughout the year with the images of hope, longing, joy, sorrow, repentance, jubilation, and new life!
Creating a welcoming atmosphere at the beginning of each Mass fosters a warm and positive environment throughout our church. Each week, volunteer greeters gather in the church foyer to welcome regular parishioners and those visiting St. Agnes Parish. They are there to say “hello”, answer questions from parishioners, assist anyone who may need assistance, and help make visitors feel at home in our Parish.
Greeters also arrange for three individuals who are attending Mass, a family if possible, to bring the gifts (host, wine, and offering basket) to the priest at the front of the church prior to the Communion segment of the Mass. As the congregation leaves the mass, greeters offer each family a bulletin; they then tidy the pews and kneelers.
Greeters are assigned an average of one Mass each month. They are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass to welcome parishioners. Greeters may choose which Mass they prefer; a team of 2 or 3 greeters serves at each Mass.
If you are a person who loves welcoming and talking to others, the hospitality ministry would be a great ministry for you to join. Please contact the parish office at (807) 475-7489 or [email protected]
Team Leader: Leanne Fonso
Eucharistic Ministers
Team Leaders: Bryan and Andrea North
At each mass, one Eucharistic Minister prepares the credence table with the items for the consecration of bread and wine into the sacred body and blood of Christ. Additional Eucharistic Ministers may also assist the priest, as needed, in the distribution of either the consecrated hosts or the precious blood of Christ.
Eucharistic Ministers serve at one or two masses each month. If you would like someone to contact you about becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact us by clicking on the button below.
The Scriptures are the Word of God written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God touches each of us through His Word providing us with His inspiration, insight, and wisdom. As a Lector, you are a messenger of God’s Word to the entire congregation! This is a very spiritually rewarding experience. Please contact us by clicking the button below if you would like to speak with someone about becoming a Lector during Mass.
An orientation session is provided, together with a guidebook that offers explanations and insights into the weekly readings.